Sunday, May 26, 2013

Henri Nouwen

Posted by Christoph

I'm just going to let a man speak now, that I've found to be very wise.
Every once in a while it's good to listen to people speak about life.
Enjoy :)

"And love is stronger than fear, life stronger than death, hope stronger than despair. We have to trust that the risk of loving is always worth taking.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen

“The real "work" of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me.
To gently push aside and silence the many voices that question my goodness and to trust that I will hear the voice of blessing-- that demands real effort. ”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen

“One of the tragedies of our life is that we keep forgetting who we are”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen 

"Our life is a short time in expectation, a time in which sadness and joy kiss each other at every moment. There is a quality of sadness that pervades all the moments of our lives. It seems that there is no such thing as a clear-cut pure joy, but that even in the most happy moments of our existence we sense a tinge of sadness. In every satisfaction, there is an awareness of limitations. In every success, there is the fear of jealousy. Behind every smile, there is a tear. In every embrace, there is loneliness. In every friendship, distance. And in all forms of light, there is the knowledge of surrounding darkness . . . But this intimate experience in which every bit of life is touched by a bit of death can point us beyond the limits of our existence. It can do so by making us look forward in expectation to the day when our hearts will be filled with perfect joy, a joy that no one shall take away from us.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Letter to an Unborn Son

Posted by Christoph

This may seem really weird. I'm going for that post anyway. 

Dear Son,

I have some things on my heart that I want to tell you. This is what this letter is for.
I don't know your name, or what your face looks like.  

I hope that you will be healthy and safe.
Your mom and I will be waiting for you to arrive and we'll do everything we can to protect you. I'll be there to hear the sound of your first scream. I'll be there to rock you back to sleep. I'll be there for feeding and changing diapers, for your first steps, first words and first day of school. I want, from your first question on, to be the one you're seeking an answer from.

I hope that
...I can be the one to teach you about God, Jesus, life and how this whole grace-thing works. 
... it is from me that you learn to expect anything and everything from God and to live out your faith in real life at the same time.
...Even more so, I hope to mirror Christ to you in everything I do, so you see him, not me.
... I can give you an example for being a man.
... from me you will learn to pursue a woman and to keep pursuing her for the rest of your lives together (because that's what you see me doing for your mom every day).
...I'll be the one to teach you responsibility, generosity and compassion. 

My wish is that you'll love people unconditionally. That you'll walk in life unafraid. That you'll laugh and dance much. That you'll fight for justice! 
I'll pray that you'll experience that you were created and born with purpose.

I love you,


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Vous êtes très courageux!

Posted by Christoph

Das wird wieder ein ziemlich kurzer Blog-Post werden, aber manchmal haben die kleinsten Erlebnisse des Alltags einen Platz an der Sonne verdient. 
Ich hoff euch allen geht's gut! Während mir hier immer mehr bewusst wird, samt allen Vor- und Nachteilen, wie bald meine Zeit hier vorbei sein und dieser Blog einen neuen Namen bekommen wird, hatte ich zwei Erlebnisse die ich mit euch teilen will:

Vor kurzem geh ich eines Morgens in unseren Denner (das Lebensmittelgeschäft, das sich glücklicherweise im Nachbargebäude befindet!). Die Sonne scheint, meine Großeltern sind zu Besuch und ich möchte ein paar kleinere Dinge fürs Frühstück kaufen.
Ich trage mein I love Kosovo T-Shirt. Wobei eigentlich nur Kenner erkennen können (lustige Alliteration!), dass es sich um ein I love Kosovo T-Shirt handelt:

Ich spazier also in den Denner wie immer, manchmal hat man eine nette aber oberflächliche Unterhaltung mit den Angestellten oder dem Chef, manchmal auch nicht. Als ich so an der Kasse stehe, strahlt mich die junge Frau auf einmal an und sagt: "Ich komme aus dem Kosovo!" und freut sich WIRKLICH. Viel mehr ist aus der Unterhaltung nicht geworden, ich hab noch kurz erzählt, dass ich im Juli dort war und es richtig schön fand. Allerdings bin ich an dem Tag hüpfenden Schrittes und mit einem riesen Lächeln auf den Lippen zurück in die Wohnung spaziert. Und seitdem grüßen wir uns immer recht fröhlich. Albanisch hab ich noch nicht mit ihr gesprochen, das nächste Mal vielleicht.
Manche Dinge sind wirklich klein und auch ihre Auswirkungen sind nicht weltbewegend. Aber diese Situation erfreut mich immer noch, wenn ich drüber schreibe :)

Die zweite Situation ist erst heute passiert:
Ich geh wieder vom Denner mit dem Einkauf zurück und wie immer, hab ich die Tasche zu voll gemacht - mir ist übrigens erst heute bewusst geworden, warum Leute gern zwei Taschen nehmen um Gleichgewicht zu haben und dass das der Grund ist, warum ich eine schwere Tasche gern VOR mir trage :) Manche Erkenntnis kommt spät.
Jedenfalls seh ich einen älteren unbekannten Herrn und während ich so vorbeigehen will sagt er kräftig und bestimmt:
H: "Bonjour Monsieur!" (Guten Tag)
C: "Bonjour!"
H: "Vous êtes très courageux!" (Sie sind sehr mutig!)
C: "Pourquoi?" (Warum?)
H: "Parce que vous êtes handicapé mais vous luttez quand même!" (Weil Sie eine Behinderung haben und trotzdem kämpfen!)
C: Ahh.. Merci bien (Vielen Dank!) 
Christoph geht verdattert und ohne ein weiteres Wort weiter.
Der Mann geht ebenfalls seines Weges. Im Augenwinkel seh ich noch, dass auch er nicht ganz rund geht - auch wenn ich nicht sagen könnte, was das Problem ist.

Leider hab ich nicht noch mehr mit diesem Mann geredet - oder mich etwas überschwänglicher bedankt. Erst im Nachhinein hab ich bemerkt, wie genial diese kleine Ermutigung eigentlich ist. Und wieviel besser sie ankam, weil wir nicht noch länger darüber geredet haben - macht das Sinn? 
In gewisser Weise haben wir das Gespräch beendet, bevor es komisch werden konnte. Was mir bleibt, ist diesem Mann für die Erinnerung zu danken, dankbar zu sein und ihm das Beste zu wünschen.  
Erinnert hat er mich daran:

"Nachdem Mose, der Diener des Herrn, gestorben war, sprach der Herr mit Josua. Dieser war ein Mitarbeiter von Mose und ein Sohn Nuns. »Mein Diener Mose ist jetzt tot. Geh nun zusammen mit meinem Volk über den Jordan in das Land, das ich den Israeliten gebe. (...)
Sei stark und mutig. Gehorche gewissenhaft den Gesetzen, die dir mein Diener Mose gab. Weiche nicht von ihnen ab, damit du Erfolg hast, wohin du auch gehst.
Die Worte des Gesetzes sollen immer in deinem Mund sein. Denke Tag und Nacht über das Gesetz nach, damit du allem, was darin geschrieben steht, Folge leisten kannst, denn nur dann wirst du erfolgreich sein.
Ich sage dir: Sei stark und mutig! Hab keine Angst und verzweifle nicht. Denn ich, der Herr, dein Gott, bin bei dir, wohin du auch gehst.«"  
Josua Kapitel 1
Regelmäßige Leser des Blogs sollten diese Stelle schon kennen :) Sie ist für mich für den ganzen Aufenthalt hier zum Leitspruch geworden. Danke Jesus.

This will be a rather short blog-post, but sometimes it's the little things that deserve the most attention. I hope all is well with you. Each day I keep realizing more and more how my time here is running out, with all advantages and disadvantages. This blog will get a new name soon. However, there's two situations that I want to share today:

A week ago I go down to Denner (the friendly, wonderfully perfect store right outside of our house!) The sun was shining, my grandparents were visiting me and I wanted to get some nice stuff for breakfast. I'm wearing my I love Kosovo T-Shirt.

So I'm walking into Denner, much like on any other given day. Often, you get to have a nice and superficial conversation with some of the employees, sometimes not. Today is different: As I get ready to pay, the young woman's face lights up and she says in a sweet voice: I'm from Kosovo! and she is genuinely happy about me wearing that shirt! We didn't talk much more about it than that, I only tell her that I've been to Kosovo in summer and loved it! She smiles some more and we each continue our day. The only diffeence is, I have a skip in my step and a big smile on my face and the day is off to a great start! Ever since then, when we greet each other,you can tell that we mean it :)
Some things are small - even their implications. But everytime I think about that story, I can't help but smile. It made my day.

The second situation happened only today:
I'm walking back home from Denner (again!) and as always, my bag is a little too full. I never learn.
At the corner of the street I see an elderly man looking at me. I didn't want to talk or anything when, in passing by, he adresses me loudly and confidently:
M: "Bonjour Monsieur!" (Hello/Good day)
C: "Bonjour!"
M: "Vous êtes très courageux!" (You are very courageous!)
C: "Pourquoi?" (Why?)
M: "Parce que vous êtes handicapé mais vous luttez quand même!" (Because you are handicapped but you keep on fighting)
C: Ahh.. Merci bien (Thanks so much) 
Christoph continues on his way, a little confused and surprised.
The man walks away as well, out of the corner of my eye I can see that he too has difficulties walking, even though I couldn't tell of what kind they were.

I'm a bit sorry to have left that man that quickly and without thanking him properly. Only afterwards I realized how amazing that little conversation we had was. And how much more it encouraged me, because we didn't talk too much about it. Does that make sense? We ended the talk before it could become awkward. What's left is to be thankful and wish him the best! He reminded me of this:

"After the death of Moses the servant of God, God spoke to Joshua, Moses’ assistant:
“Moses my servant is dead. Get going. Cross this Jordan River, you and all the people. (...) In the same way I was with Moses, I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you; I won’t leave you. Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors. Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”
Joshua 1

Frequent readers of my blog should already be familiar with that Scripture. It has become a sort of motto to my whole stay and life. Thank you, Jesus.

Go on and make someone's day :)


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Being kind

Posted by Christoph

  Being kind isn’t always easy. Or convenient. But it has the potential to change everything.  By Cap Watkins 

So I read this quote today and it made me think. This is something I really solemnly believe in. Being kind can change just about any situation. However, sometimes there are situations, where nothing ever happens. Being kind is not only "not easy", but freakin' hard! Being kind sometimes isn't just inconvenient, it's a sacrifice. Maybe to the point of surrendering your own will, all reason and your rights. So maybe you do that, and still nothing changes.

Every once in a while, you get into situations like that. The thing that frustrates me is not that life brings about challenges like that - what frustrates me is how poorly I react. I wish I could say that I'd take the hard road, the forgiving, loving, self-sacrificing road anytime. Many times I feel like nothing could be further from the truth. 

I get mad at people. I hold a grudge and I think & speak bad things. 

What helps me though, is to think of Jesus. How he set an example of this lifestyle, being obedient to the point of actual death. Talk about giving up rights!
His sacrifice opens up a new path for me to follow.
So this old, hardened heart has a new chance of breathing. Cause I find the strength for kindness in his kindness. Love enough in his love. A changed life in his life!

I'm sorry for being so vague - this just needed to get out of my head. Enjoy as you leave the words of someone much more loving and wise:

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
― Mother Teresa

She has much more to say about kindness - I feel that every once in a while it might do good to go through some of her quotes. She points out Jesus to me where I lose sight of him.

PS: BIG CREDIT goes out to a friend of mine, who used the first quote on her blog today. Her quotes and pictures continue to inspire and nurture me. Be sure to stop by there and see for yourself! :) or go to Featured -> It's About Him!


Thursday, May 09, 2013

Picture update :)

Posted by Christoph

I recently received some pictures from my time visiting my friend Isa in Kraków, so I thought it's about time to post some :)
I'll sprinkle some random other ones in there too..

Ich hab kürzlich Bilder aus Kraków erhalten, wo ich im März eine Freundin besucht hab
und dachte, jetzt wäre es eine gute Gelegenheit ein paar davon zu posten :)

1. Tag in Kraków vorm Marktplatz
Day 1 in front of Kraków's marketplace

Me again, day 2
Wieder ich, Tag 2
Tag 2 - Day 2

An actual fire spitting dragon :)
Ein echter feuerspuckender Drache!
Cutting onion, chemistry style
Zwiebelschneiden, Chemikervariante :)

Step 1 to Sexyness
Step 2 to Sexyness
Complete Sexyness ;)

Any ideas what it means?

Being happy in Switzerland :)


Sunday, May 05, 2013

Snow - Schnee

Posted by Christoph

"Jahre später würde er sich immer noch an die außergewöhnliche Schönheit des Schnees in dieser Nacht erinnern können: die Freude, die er ihm brachte war größer als alles, was er aus Istanbul kannte. Er war ein Dichter, und, wie er selbst geschrieben hatte in einem frühen Gedicht, das bei türkischen Lesern noch weitgehend unbekannt war - in unseren Träumen fällt nur einmal Schnee."
Orhan Pamuk - Schnee

(Diese Stelle hab ich selbst, eher stümpferhaft, aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Falls jemand das deutsche Buch hat, wär ich dankbar für die offizielle Version! :) Wer kann, bitte Englisch weiter unten lesen! Ansonsten kann ich das Buch nur empfehlen, ich habs noch nicht fertig, aber bisher ist es sehr gut!)

Ich liebe diese besondere Wirkung, die Bücher manchmal haben können: Du liest etwas und plötzlich öffnen sich Bilder vor deinem geistigen Auge. Irgendetwas an diesen Worten, zwischen den Zeilen, ruft Gefühle hervor. Du verbindest Erinnerungen, Träume, Hoffnungen mit dem was geschrieben wurde. Deine Geschichte wird damit Teil der Erzählung und die Erzählung ein Teil von dir selbst. 

Plötzlich bin ich nicht mehr in meinem Bett in der Schweiz. Es ist 2010. Ich sitze in einem Bus. Gemeinsam mit meinem Cousin besuche ich meine Schwester in Südamerika. Wir befinden uns irgendwo zwischen Argentinien und Brasilien, an der Grenze zu Uruguay.
Wir sitzen am zweiten Deck eines Doppeldeckerbusses, die große Frontscheibe ermöglicht uns einen wunderbaren Ausblick. Die Erde ist rot. Die Natur ist wunderbar. Die Häuser sind runtergekommen. Alle paar Kilometer spielt eine Gruppe Kinder Fußball mit einem verwitterten Ball. Es macht mich traurig.
Die Armut & Schönheit die uns umgibt ist für mich viel zu nahe zusammen. Mittendrin bin ich, unterwegs zu einem der schönsten Orte der Welt, reich und voller Schuldgefühle.
Ich wünschte ich könnte irgendetwas tun. Ich wünschte, ich könnte helfen. Ich frage Gott, was er dabei fühlt. Ich glaube, sein Herz zerbricht auch.

Diese Erinnerung wird für immer in meinem Gedächtnis bleiben. Manche Momente vergessen wir niemals: in unseren Träumen fällt nur einmal Schnee.


"Years later, he could still recall the extraordinary beauty of the snow that night: the pleasure it brought him was far greater than any he'd known in Istanbul. He was a poet, and, as he himself had written - in an early poem still largely unknown to Turkish readers - it snows only once it our dreams."
Orhan Pamuk - Snow

I read this line of the book last night. At first it captured me because I thought it's beautifully written. Then I got what it meant. Or I made my own interpretation.
All of a sudden, I was not in my bed in Switzerland anymore. I was in a bus. 
It's 2010. I'm visiting my sister in South America. My cousin is there too. And we're somewhere between Argentina and Brazil.
We're on our way to the Iguazu waterfalls. This means passing and traveling along the border of Uruguay. We're sitting in the front of a double-decked bus and so the view is amazing. The earth is red. The nature is wonderful. The houses are poor. Every couple of kilometres you can see a group of children play soccer, with a rugged football. 
The whole thing kills me. It just kills me. 
Poverty and beauty are just too close together. And here I am sitting in a shuttle bus to one of the most beautiful places on earth, rich and feeling guilty.
I wish I could do something. I wish I could help. I'm asking God what he feels about it.
I think his heart is broken too.

This memory will be in my head forever. There's certain moments, we won't ever forget. In fact, it only snows once in our dreams.

(I love this extract! If you can, I highly recommend reading this book. I haven't finished it yet, but I can tell, it's great!)