Sunday, September 16, 2012


Neue Bilder! Some pictures :)

Posted by Christoph

Murten views :)

Team Murten :)

Murtensee, once again!

Fremder junge mit vielen Schwänen - poetischer Titel oder?
This one's titled poetically "Random boy with a lot of swans"

Mein geliebter Genfersee - Lac Léman, my beloved!

Gladiatoren im Amphitheater? Gladiators in the Amphitheatre of Avenches?
Cours intensif de Français :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just wanted to leave you a quick comment and wish you the best possible exchange! I loved both of my exchanges in Austria and I really miss being an exchange student! Cherish every moment there and have fun!

    - Jonna
