Thursday, September 05, 2013


Brussels Update

Posted by Christoph

I actually promised myself I wouldn't update my blog, while frolicking around Canada and whatnot, but I just can't help myself.
In short, Brussels has been amazing and I love the city! The talks we had were incredible. And also, so far I'm really fine physically. Thanks to all the people of the group helping out! You're real life-savers :)
I am writing from our Hotel in Ottawa, it's been the first 6 hours or something like it in Canada and all I can say: Stunning! I can't wait to see, feel, touch, smell and hear more :)
What follows are pictures of Brussels:

The group representing Europe in Canada :)
Photo credit: Jo Bouquet

Because nothing says friendship like being spontaneous and meeting with me in a days' notice! That and blurry metro pictures as a result of being too forgetful to take a more impressive one!